Pending Time

Pending Time



Reporting Progress Overview

There are 2 ways to report Progress in Clarizen:

  • % Completed
  • Actual & Remaining Effort

Many organizations use Actual & Remaining Effort with Timesheets to give additional granularity & accuracy (who worked, what hours on which days), especially on billable work.

Time reported via Timesheets does not necessarily affect Actual Effort. For example, your organization may choose to use Timesheets and report % Completed separately and not use Effort reporting at all. 

All Work Items have a setting "Actual Effort Updated from Timesheets" which allows you choose whether to automatically update the Actual Effort with time submitted via Timesheets (Remaining Effort updates accordingly). 

When Actual Effort Updated from Timesheets is enabled, you can only update Actual Effort via Timesheets (or Stopwatch which creates Timesheet entries) and will no longer able to manually update the Actual Effort from the Work Items, Current Project or Home screens.

Why Pending Time is necessary

When using Time Tracking (Timesheets) to report time worked on Projects, Milestones or Tasks, time is not automatically submitted for approval, users must click on the Submit for Approval button on their weekly timesheet.

In addition, your organization may be using Timesheet Approvals, where Project Managers, Direct Managers or Financial Users must approve timesheets (Approvals can be set or disabled via System Settings).

The result is that Resources may have logged time, but have not yet submitted it, or Managers have not yet approved the timesheets, giving the false impression that no progress has been made where in fact work was done. This is where Pending Time is useful.

Pending Time Calculation

Pending Time automatically summarizes all Unsubmitted and Unapproved time, giving you realtime high resolution on how much time has been spent on a work item.

Pending Time Display

Pending Time is displayed per individual Resource on the Work Item AND the sum total per Work Item. Pending Time for each resource per Work Item is stored on the Human Resource Link (the "Assigned" link in the Clarizen Customization console)


Pending Time is a calculated field. It is accessible by Clarizen Workflow Rules and formulas in other fields.

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