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Creating a formula with If..Then


I have custom field named: 'C_ExcludefromIATI', data type:  "Toggle", Item: "Data".

Then I have a custom field named "C_ExcludefromIATIPickList", data type"Pick list"Item: Project. This returns: "True" or "False".

Whenever creating a related Item to the project, I would like that the value of  'C_ExcludefromIATI' is based on the value of  "C_ExcludefromIATIPickList" in the project.

IF C_ExcludefromIATIPickList" is "True", THEN 'C_ExcludefromIATI' toggle is checked

ELSE C_ExcludefromIATIPickList" is "unckecked".


How can I make this formula?

Susanne Peters Answered

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You would have to create a workflow rule that updates the field C_ExcludefromlATI and the criteria for the update would be IF($C_ExcludefromATIPicklist = TRUE, TRUE, FALSE). There are 3 arguments in the IF statement separated by commas: the criteria to check, the then, and finally the else.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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