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GetSumOfTimesheetReportHoursForGivenPeriod() to include filter on Overtime hours

Is it possible to use the GetSumOfTimesheetReportHoursForGivenPeriod() function to also filter on Timesheets that are not overtime and only overtime?


Darren Answered

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Hello Chris,

It is not possible to make this function filter by any Timesheet fields.

As I workaround, may I suggest that you create two Custom Fields on User entity to store these sums - one for overtime hours and one for non-overtime hours.

The fields would have to be of Duration type >> Field value is based on a formula of: Relations Summary >> Summary Type: Sum >> Relation: $ReportedTimesheets.Duration >> Filter Related Items:

Use this one for non-overtime hours: TargetObject.Overtime = False && TargetObject.ReportedDate > Date(2017, 4, 1) && TargetObject.ReportedDate < Date(2017, 5, 1)

Use this one for overtime hours: TargetObject.Overtime = True && TargetObject.ReportedDate > Date(2017, 4, 1) && TargetObject.ReportedDate < Date(2017, 5, 1)

Dates can be changed into something else.

Please let me know if this answers your question.


Roland Pumputis 0 votes
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