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clarizen for iphone and android

we use the iCal feed from Clarizen to Outlook.  this is a very useful tool for us. In practice we use the overlay option to merge the Outlook calendar with Clarizen Calendar.

Our resources who are out in the field use their iphones and androids to view their calendars and to access the Clarizen app in addition to email.  They want to be able to see tasks in the calendar however this does not appear possible as you can't get access to the Clarizen calendar. 

Is there a way to do this?

Julie Rose Answered

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Could you please reveal, when an applications for iPjhone and Android will be available for Clarizen v6? I know, you are working hard, but is it a matter of days, weeks, months or .... years! ? Thanks in advance for your reply.

Andrzej Sawicki 0 votes
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Timely question, we have just release the v6 Android app today. The iPhone version should be coming very soon, a matter of weeks not months.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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Thanks for your info. Android works :) Good job!

Waiting for iPhone... If you could drop a comment when it's ready, it would be great.

Andrzej Sawicki 0 votes
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If you follow our blog, you'll be notified not only when this is available but you'll be able to see all of the features we are adding in out HF releases every two weeks:

There are actually quite a few substantial features coming out over the next 3 months that will make v6 even better, so I highly recommend the blog!

Josh Santos 0 votes
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