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Why did my project disappear on my screen

This afternoon during a meeting, one of my project just disappeared front the screen? The same thing also happened to another co-worker who was viewing the same project on her computer. How do I get it back. I used to see 3 projects when I logged in now I have 2.

Jliggins Answered

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It could be that someone deleted the project or changed the project, moved it into a subproject, or removed your permissions on the project. If it was deleted, I would go to the navigation bar and check the recycle bin. If it is not there, please put in a support ticket and we can help you locate the project. One more tip, if you remember the project name try typing part of it into the global search in the navigation. If the project was not deleted and you still have access to it, this will pull it up instantly.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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