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Why should I relate a group to a work item?

What is the business case for adding a group via the related items column to a work item? I can see if you are on a group page, why it might be beneficial to reference a work item, but not from the other perspective.  From what I see, the group do not become followers of the work item or receive any updates on it (and no editing, of course). So, I'm not seeing the benefit or purpose of that functionality. Please explain its purpose. 


Thank you. 

Katie Larson Answered

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The use case is you can quickly see which tasks, milestones, or projects are related to each group (department, location, team, etc.,). You can filter and sort based on the group field (feel free to add it as a column into your project view). Also, I love being able to open up a group and seeing all of the projects or tasks associated with that group. This is a great feature that was not available in the previous version of Clarizen (v5.4).

Josh Santos 0 votes
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