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Access to Multiple Clarizen Instances

i created a user account in Clarizen for a client today with a Full license.

He clicked on the link in the invite to login, but he got an error (see attached screenshot).

I learned on a call with him today that his employer also uses Clarizen. I'm assuming the problem is that I created a user for him in our instance with the same email address he uses to login to his employers' instance and that is not allowed? Is that the problem?

What is a tested-practice for creating a Clarizen account for someone who already uses Clarizen elsewhere? Do we just need to use a different email address?

ALSO - not sure how this might be feasible - but given that my client is already a Clarizen user, we were wondering if it is possible to share projects/tasks or link projects/tasks across instances instead of him needed an account in our instance or us needing an account in his to work together. We both have our own business processes and reporting requirements that would provide good reason for us both to advocate that a project be run in our respective instances. It'd be great if we didn't have to make the choice, but instead could share data across instances. Does that make sense?

Creighton Answered

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Hi Creighton,

The same email address can be used across Clarizen Organizations. The unique identifier is actually the user name.

Internally, we might use the following formatting:



...some syntax that separates usernames from one org to another

Unfortunately no, work-items cannot be shared across instances, unless it is viewed as a 'read only' shareable view.



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