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quarterly revenue milestones

I want to setup 8 sequential milestones, each dependent on the previous, that occur on the last day of the month and have a 3 month lag.  The work for the milestone will be 0, there will be no underlying task.  How can I do this?

I am using them to show quarterly revenue estimates and actuals for the 2 yrs after the completion of various growth projects, so that they can roll up to reports on this data.This revenue is not 'task based' at all, just coming from customer sales after the projects are completed.

Is this the best way to do this?

Michael Shear Answered

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Hi Michael,

There is a few ways to do this. However, the best way to do this in my opinion is to create a two year project with 8 milestones with the duration(start and due date) of 3 months with fixed duration work policy. After that, you would need to add successors to each milestone and have them "Finish to Start" with 0 lag. This should set up your use case.

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