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Can I add text to a discussion item?

Hi, is it possible to use a discussion to add text to it?  lets say every time specific task fields changes i want to add to a discussion.  is it possible to start a discussion with the changes made then next time someone make changes it will find the changes discussion and add more to it.  if this is possible will i be able to email a specific discussion based on a workflow schedule?

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Same as the last, you will get the best response to Customization questions by posting the questions in the Customization section of the Forum. 

This can be done using a workflow that runs on the work item and the Action would be New Item and the new item would be a new discussion (DiscussionLink). 

For further clarification, we suggest you register for one of our daily Q&A webinars (see the link-> ).These are great resources for free consulting with our Customer Success Managers and visual answers to your questions. 




Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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