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How do I do it?

Just a bit of background on the company so that the question will make more sense

The company I work for is a sign manufacturing company, so there are a set amount of signs types that can be made, but they have small differences which would mean that they are not 100% the same. Another factor is that Projects can consist of anything from 1 to 15 different signs per project. The amount of tasks per sign can be from 5 to 20. 

I want to create templates for the individual sign types. It is possible to do that using project templates but like I said projects can contain more than one sign. Is it possible to add 3 to 4 project templates into a single project so that it will contain all the different different tasks per sign to be made, in one project? Or to create sets of tasks that can be saved and then added to the project as a set which is then defined as a sign?


Andrew de Villiers Answered

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Hi Andrew,

Thank you for your question! It is possible to add 3-4 project templates into a single project or a set of tasks can be saved under a milestone template. We have a great article about templates, please refer to the following:

For further clarification, we suggest you register for one of our daily Q&A webinars (see the link-> ).These are great resources for free consulting with our Customer Success Managers and visual answers to your questions. We will walk through this in a much faster manner.

All the best,


Diana Sandura 0 votes
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