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How is remaining effort calculated?

Hi, I have attached an excel spreadsheet. In this spreadsheet you can see for each fix there is a start and end date and duration. Looking at the first line the duration for

Implement Fix: Bug with posting daily/class period attendance

 is set at 5 days and the % complete is zero, I would expected the remaining time to say 40 hours (5 days x 8 working hours). It says 248 hours, how is this calculated?

Sara Drake-brockman Answered

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I may need a screen capture of these work items within Clarizen so that I can see the columns and cells but here is what I believe is the issue...

You have set the duration to 5 days BUT your due date is set to 23/02/15 which is a lot more than 5 days. If you are overriding the Due Date, this could happen. Also, it is important to know if you have any child work items that may be affecting the numbers and what is the Work Policy. Is it Fixed Duration, Fixed Work or Fixed Unit?



Boris Krutiy - Clarizen Success

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