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Will my account lock out if I repeatedly enter my password wrongly?

We wish to set passwords to 'not expire' but would like to understand the process for locking out accounts if passwords are entered wrongly. I have seen staff locked out for short periods of time but would like to know if at some point this becomes permanent until and Admin intervenes.

Tracy Warner Answered

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Hi, first of all, for general knowledge the "short periods of time" can be defined under System Settings -> 7.1

As for your question, to my knowledge, there is no "permanent" locked out functionality, are you after this functionality or just wanting to know in order to have an admin process in place to assist should such an event occur?

Yossi Truzman 0 votes
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It is the permanent lock out facility that I require so that if someone is trying to gain illegal access to an account it will lock completely if they guess the password wrongly several times.

What is the maximum period of time for setting 7.1?

Tracy Warner 0 votes
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I rechecked the information we have versus the documentation...setting 7.1 (lockout time) has no maximum limitation, the field can except any numeric value.

This is true for all of the numeric values in this section with the exception of 7.4 which is limited to 1-50 as stated in the documentation.

Tom Do 0 votes
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