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Report Break out for Total weekly reported hours by user by project

Would it be possible to create a new report which shows the total weekly report hours by users by project. Total weekly reported hours by user gives me everything I need except I cannot tell which hours went to what project.

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This report currently does not exist, but it would be possible to do with the Excel add-in and pivot tables.

Clarizen Team 0 votes
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Actually I take that back, I forgot about the new Project Utilization report.  Please try that one and let us know if it will work (thanks for the catch David G.)

Clarizen Team 0 votes
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The project utilization report is not efficient for this purposes. I have a few select users that I need all the time they've booked towards all the projects they are assigned to. In this case it's between 20-30 projects. To set this up with the project utilization query builder is time consuming and you loose track of which projects you've selected. It would be easier if the total weekly report hours by selected user project was modified to pull all projects that the selected users decked time against.

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