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Realtime Chat & Discussion Post Enchancements

Hi Guys,


I really do think you guys need to enhance the chat feature so it is central within the Social module. I would say you would need:


* Async Chat and Hubs/Rooms with full rich text processing and group chatting. I think Clarizen server side is built upon ASP.NET, so check out SignalR which is now built within .NET itself. The nice thing about SignalR is the client side javascript figures out if you can support Websockets or just plain IRC. Why am i asking for this? Because with products like Slack hitting the market and MS introducing Skype for Business to replace Lync, there are better social colloboration products hitting the Enterprise. We for example are rolling out Slack to our support teams. You either start providing Clarizen links into these or enhance your existing offering. If we can keep our users within Clarizen for everything, keeping that social element is alot easier.

A good implementation for a chat rooms/hubs is Jabbr - check it out (also uses SignalR):


* Discussion Posts need to refresh in realtime without the need to refresh the browser. Plus enchance with the ability to add the images & videos within the post itself without injecting HTML or adding separately and waiting to Post before viewing. Maybe a Post Preview option as well?



Gareth Bradley Not planned

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Thank you for submitting this request. The Request ID is CR-246259

Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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so what is the status here?  slack is now very mainstream and would be a great integrated addition

Robert Sheiffer 1 vote
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Sorry, no updates yet but I do agree that it should be a priority.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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