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Use case function for number comparison






Rita Hienekamp

Sep 15 15:21


Can anyone tell me how to compare 2 numbers using a case function? If the value is < 75, then I want to show "On Track", if the value is between 75-90, I want to show "At Risk" and if the value is above 90, I want to show "Off Track".

When I try to use the case statement, I am not able to get the right results comparing numbers. The examples and the documentation only show string comparisons.

I need to do something like: 

{Case(round((($ActualEffort/ Hours(1) * 100)/$Work)),


Whatever I try, it always shows me HIGHER. Note that I have 3 possibilities, so an IF statement won't work... unless I can use nested IF statements.


Rita Hienekamp Answered

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Hi Rita,


Thanks for reaching out!

With a Case function you can't define numeric ranges, however you can use nested IF statements like you stated.

The syntax should like this:

If(Condition1, Result1, If (Condition2, Result2, Result3))

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Warm Regards,


Tamir Avital 0 votes
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Hi Rita,

Just in case (pun intended) you are like many people who find the case statement easier to read than nested if statements, you can combine the two.


This can be visually easier to read as it puts the computation right up front - your criteria numbers of 75 and 100 comprise the expression, then the case statement completes the thought.

Honestly I rarely do it this way, but it is an option.

Good luck,


CE Raum 0 votes
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Thank you both! I'm using the nested IF and it works well :)

Rita Hienekamp 0 votes
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