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Daily Plan Integration Issue

Hi everyone,

in accordance with the API usage description we use Daily Plan to pull some data from Clarizen.

There has been a request made to pull all the tasks where a user is assigned to as a resource for a certain time frame. Please, see below.

WorkItem.Name,, WorkItem.Priority, WorkItem.TrackStatus, WorkItem.Importance, WorkItem.TaskType, WorkItem.State, WorkItem.Manager.DisplayName, WorkItem.C_ReviewStatus, WorkItem.StartDate, WorkItem.DueDate, WorkItem.Description, WorkItem.Work, WorkItem.ActualEffort, WorkItem.RemainingEffort, WorkItem.TimeTrackingEffort, WorkItem.BudgetedHours, WorkItem.Duration, WorkItem.ETC, ActualRegularEffort, RemainingEffort, WorkItem.EntityType



WHERE (Resource = '/User/3407fde7-dce5-44c7-975d-518605f67f43') AND

( WorkItem in (SELECT ID from WorkItem WHERE ( ( StartDate <= 2015-05-28 AND DueDate >= 2015-05-28 ) ) ) )

However, it doesn't return all the tasks the resource is assigned to in Clarizen.

For example, Andrew Kobzew can be requested in Daily Plan search box for 05/28/2015 and this task will not return.

Could you, please, give this matter your careful consideration and inform if the request made is correct.

Thank you,

Dasha Zarya 

Dasha Answered

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Hi Dasha,

The query looks OK. However my initial guess is that the work item doesn't fall within the range you specified.

Please be aware that:

  1. StartDateDueDate are internally stored as DateTime (meaning, time of the day IS significant).
  2. Times specified in API calls are in UTC.

For example, if you want to capture work items starting on May 28 or sooner and your organizational time zone is PST (UTC-8), the correct condition for StartDate would be StartDate < 2015-05-29T08:00.

Please try it out.

If you still cannot figure out why some work items are left out, I'll need your full credentials (user name & password) to have access to your account (grant login access link is not enough for the API). My email is

I hope this helps,


Ophir Kenig 0 votes
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