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Custom Action Limitation of update lines

Why the Custom Action is limited to 50 items simultaneously ?


dgsit Jadde Answered

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This has to do with your Clarizen Edition (i.e. Professional, Enterprise or Unlimited). Depending on the edition, your customization limitations will differ. This can be viewed in your Settings-->Configure and from the left Item Type panel, select Quota.

Also, limiting simultaneous calls is required to avoid performance issues. If you want to find out how to work around this. Please post your question with your Use Case (in detail) and be sure to post it to the Customization Topic.

Thank you

Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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In fact it's not a limitation of the License limitation. We are in unlimited.
But my use case is : Use a custom action to set a value on a custom field of the milestone.
I'd created a custom field with a pick list.
On our project template we had set the values for the custom field in the different items of template except the milestone.
But now we need to use this custom field with the milestones.
It's the reason why we want to update the custom field value the milestones.

Also I select the milestone view with the good filters and I run my CA, and the system says that we are limited on 50 updated lines.
Also I don't have to use the Dataload but I want to update more than 4000 milestones. :)


dgsit Jadde 0 votes
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Hi Pierre-max,

Ahh. We misunderstood your question. The custom action has a limitation on how many objects it can update at one time. In your case of 4000+ milestones, it is ideal to use the data loader because a custom action can only run on 1500 items/actions.

Tom Do 0 votes
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