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Issues with ProofHQ

We are trying to determine if the ProofHQ integration is an option to meet a requirement, but some of the functionality appears to be missing. Is this because we are using the trial version? We cannot truly test if we do not have the functionality to test. Examples of what is not occurring. There is not a reviewers section visible in the file screen. It does show in the design mode, but does not show when the file itself is visible. Additionally, no PDF copy was applied to the container when the proof was closed. We are trying to test the ability to remove files after time to archive and save space.

Jen Bran Answered

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Hi Jen,

I apologize for the delay in reply. However, I see that you have already opened a ticket with us regarding ProofHQ. Are you still experiencing this issue?

Tom Do 0 votes
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From Jen:

Yes. Vanessa is working on a solution. I believe she sent it up the chain.

Tom Do 0 votes
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