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Editable Starburst Chart

This Change Request is for the ability to hide the Y-Axis label. In this scenario, the Y-Axis is the Project Name but the Project Name is already shown at the bubble on the chart so this is unnecessary duplication.

Also, it seems that the label at the bubble is truncated. Is it possible to increase the number of characters allowed here so that the truncation does not occur as often. I understand we do not want extremely long strings shown here but the option of truncating or not would be useful for customers that want or do not want this ability. Default left as is and it could be changed if they want to see the full Name (wrapped after X characters instead of truncated?)

This would also solve the secondary issue that the Project Labels are overlapping.

Boris Krutiy Not planned

Official comment


Change Request Submitted and can be referenced with ID: CR-311562

Boris Krutiy
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