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Salesforce case integration

Has anyone successfully integrated Salesforce cases and Clarizen requests? We have SF integration currently established (projects, customers, contacts) and working well but now want to integrate cases. I understand that this is not part of the "out-of-the-box" SF integration so gathering information has been challenging. Would you be willing to share best practices with us? Thank you.

Leo Lovely Answered

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Hi Leo!

We've definitely have customers who have successfully integrated Salesforce cases with Clarizen requests.

In my experience, there should be one system as the 'source of truth' for the integration to be successful. Here are some basic questions to ask first:

1. Where is the record created, Salesforce or Clarizen?

2. Should all Salesforce cases be synced to Requests or just a few? If so, consider using an event trigger based on a specific field that is only triggered when specific criteria is met.

3. Field mappings: Where is this field being updated? In other words, which system is the single source of truth? This will determine which 'direction' you should map the fields.

4. Field mappings: Will this field be changed after creation of the request/case? This will determine the 'event type' on the field mapping. If the field won't change after creation, then the event type should be 'Create Only'. If the field will be updated, then consider the event types 'Create & Sync' or 'Sync Only'.

5. Links/Relations: Will this case/request be related to a project or customer?

It's difficult to offer best practices as each organization manages their data differently. I suggest opening up a discussion with your Customer Success Manager to see how we can help you successfully implement this case to request integration based on your organization's processes.

Permanently deleted user 0 votes
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Thanks. This is helpful and good information to consider. Having said that, the customer success pages have excellent information of most aspects of SF integration, however there is little mention of case integration. I would love to see some more info. Thanks again.

Leo Lovely 0 votes
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Yes i have integrate salesforce case integration but i have taken the help with one consultant

Nitesh singh 0 votes
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