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Option for Workflow to run on all records first, and then only on create or edit

When creating a workflow, I can only update a field when it is created or edited, so unless I update all tasks, my workflow does not update a field on existing tasks. 

Would be handy to have a run on all option, then only when created or edited.


Chana Lewis Answered

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This would be a very useful feature on various use cases. At the moment when I introduce a new field, for example, I create a Scheduled Workflow to go an populate the old entities, I then let a separate Workflow take care of the new/edited ones.

Ekin Caglar 1 vote
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When making changes(especially dates) to a task or sub-task make the task and all sub-task a draft. Make you custom changes then activate all task again. You can actually make the entire Project a draft then change the dates and it will adjust accordingly. 


Devin Marell 0 votes
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That's not a bad work around, but it seems like it would be challenging at a large scale because I have a mix of active and inactive projects, so I would have to change the state on all those in the same state, then change it back to the correct one so people can bill time, and do the same for all of the other states. My use case is for adding a new revenue recognition calculation to the work item.

Chana Lewis 0 votes
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