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Generation of resourcelink report by Excel4Clarizen

  • I wanted to generate a list of work assigned to the PM by project, so I used ResourceLink in the Excel4Clarizen (See Pic1).
  • But I found the generated report included additional record of the task for the PM, which should not be done by the PM (See Testing).
  • For example, for the project INTRO TO GOAL SETTING, SWIRE VALUES AND COMPETENCIES (12 SEP 2016), the PM Kenness Chan should have only 2 tasks with work greater than 0 (See pic2).
  • But the generated report from Excel4Clarizen included a line of "Curriculum admin - PMS" for Kenness of 8 hours (See Testing), but this could not found in the work plan (Pic2).
  • Please help!
Annalee Answered

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Hi Annalee, I can't see the pictures. This might be easier to answer through a formal ticket. Thanks!

Josh Santos 0 votes
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