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Uploading a file to Clarizen via REST API

I've been trying to upload a json file from local storage to clarizen for easy retrieval as I'm working on an integration via api project for in-house development and require the storage and retrieval of a json file between local storage and clarizen storage on a near daily basis.

I first created a project with the hopes of attaching a file to it in the future. I have been able to upload manually via the interface and download via the api as well as get the upload url via api but whenever I try to make a POST to the url from the getUploadUrl response the response body is empty.

What is the correct parameter when POSTing? currently I'm sending a form-data of data:"file_path".

When looking at what gets sent in the request it seems to split the key:value of form data into name and filename so presumably the name of the key does not matter. Regardless of what I POST I get a 200 OK response with no response body. 

Whenever I try and make a POST to /upload with a json body including documentID,fileInformation(storage,filename), and uploadUrl I get an internal error.



this results in an internal error.

Can someone please help in deciphering what the exact error message is and where I'm going wrong as well as exactly how to POST a file to the url retrieved after making a GET to /getUploadUrl..

I have looked over the relevant documentation and similar forum posts:

the internal error message referenceID is: 1rihUG0Ym5mxSXctQ1P647


Dribero Answered

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Hello there,

In the logs I can see that you're providing project ID instead of document ID:


   "documentId": "/Project/1cpa1lqd43i8spywssqif33u5228",

   "fileInformation": {

      "storage": "Server",

      "fileName": "Clarizen_Users.txt"


   "uploadUrl": ""


As Eyal mentioned in his post, you need to create the document object and link it to the project and then upload the file in the document object you created:

I hope this helps.

Best regards,


Roland Pumputis 1 vote
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Hello there,

The correct format is as follows:

  "entity": {
  "fields": [

"fields" should be used to list fields that you would like to see in the response. "Document" and "Entity" should be listed in "entity".

I hope this helps.


Roland Pumputis 1 vote
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I have resolved this by manually creating a document under a project in the interface and then repeating steps inputting the document id instead of project ID in the json request body. I am trying to find the relevant references in the API on creating an entity, creating a document, and attaching the document to the entity. What is the endpoint/method for attachmentlink for the REST api? 


Dribero 0 votes
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thanks for the reply Roland.

I realized that mistake and am happy to report that I can upload and download files without an issue now but am wondering how to create the link between a document and entity via the API.

I have created a task using /v2.0/services/data/createAndRetrieve (example: /Task/1cpa1lqd43i8spywssqif33u5227) and have also created a document using the same API method and received something like /Document/4fjcr9ugptiwqi7hpxby5o71d793.

How can I link the two of them so that when I navigate to the task I can see the file attached? I can not find an "AttachmentLink" related method or a method where I can specify a documentID and a parent entity ID.


Dribero 0 votes
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Hello there,

I think you should be able to create an AttachmentLink object by using the /v2.0/services/data/createAndRetrieve endpoint. Please make sure you specify Entity and Document in the JSON you send.

Best regards,


Roland Pumputis 0 votes
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I ran the /ListEntities endpoint and found the entity "AttachmentLink" so proceeded with your advice and crafted the request below and some variations of it.

I tried this:

"entity": {
"fields": [

all of my attempts resulted in an internal error. The latest one being: 5bXhOukscBSdj8roi51x

Where exactly should I be passing the document id and task id to create the attachment link? 

Thanks Roland!

Dribero 0 votes
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