The Delete action available in business rules now has the option to permanently delete related items, such as emails, discussions, files, etc., when a task or another item is marked complete. Related items are deleted permanently and cannot be recovered from the Recycle Bin.
For example, to configure the workflow rule for tasks:
- As a System administrator, navigate to Settings > Configure > Work Item > Task.
- Create a new workflow rule:
- Enter a name for the rule.
- In the Set Run Time section, select the When a record is created, or when a record is edited and did not previously meet the rule criteria option.
- In the Set Evaluation criteria section, select the Run only when the following conditions are met option.
- In the formula field, enter $PercentCompleted = 100
- In the Set Actions section, specify which related items you wish to delete.
- Select the Permanently delete the selected object (WARNING: this bypasses the recycle bin) checkbox.
- Click Save.