Overview field support in API - Predictable external ID

What's New?

For integrators using web services to update or extra data from Work Items, Cases and Customer Overview field, an improved way to access this special field.



Organizations that want to extract contents of the Overview field with webservice API can now easily identify which item it is linked to as its ID now corresponds. An Overview field has a 1 to 1 relationship with an object.


How it works

The Overview field is a special field which is linked, but stored separately, to its main item. This is similar to how Notes and Discussion Posts are stored, but Overview has a special behavior of being edited and displayed in the Property card, as if it is a regular field.

When querying the Overview table ("AdditionalObjectProperties"), you can now easily understand which item it is linked to as its External ID follows the pattern: Class name + External ID.



Project.ExternalId AdditionalObjectProperties.ExternalId
1234-qwer-2677-8765  project-1234-qwer-2677-8765



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