The Activity Stream App


The Activity Stream app helps you and your team to stay up-to date with the most important updates to your tasks, milestones, projects, files and other Clarizen items. You can get notified by a post on the item’s discussion board or by an email when a major event happens, for example, a project becomes at risk or a milestone due date has been shifted. You can also configure what notifications you wish to receive.

Note: The app does not support projects marked as a portfolio.

Supported notifications

The following notification are available:

Item Type Triggering Action
People Skills updated
Groups updated
Job title changes
Owner switched
Assigned to tasks as a resource
Assigned to cases
Customers Account status changes
Account owner changes
Files New
All Work Items* State changes
Due date changes
Scheduling risk changes
Becomes executable
Projects Project manager changes
Milestones Milestones achieve 25% steps
Tasks Work changes (manually)
Duration changes (manually)

* Notifications for all work items do not appear in the activity feed until their state changes to completed.

Installing the app

Existing customers can install the Activity Stream application from Clarizen Apps Marketplace. The application does not affect your configuration quota.

Note: For new customers (after February 21, 2016), the application is pre-installed, and notifications are enabled with the default value set to Posts Only.

Enabling the app

A System administrator can enable, disable and uninstall the app in Settings > Applications > Installed Applications.

Configuring notifications

Once the application is installed, a System administrator can configure the notification settings in Settings > Global Settings > Activity Stream Settings.

A Project Manager and Project Owner can update notification settings for work items in the Property Card for the project. You can only update notification settings for a project and not for individual work items.

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