Spring 2016 Update 9 (April 3, 2016)

April 3, 2016


The below table summarizes a list of features introduced in the release and their potential impact on your environment.

New feature

Enabled by default? Requires admin setup Contact your account executive Affects existing configuration or data Affected audience
Adding items to your Favorites list         System administrators
All users
New user trial period increased from 14 to 30 days         All




The below table summarizes a list of issues fixed in the release.


Functional area  Issue Description
Baseline A validation error is displayed when attempting to set a start date for a project which status is "on hold".
Budget and Rates  Budgeted amount is not recalculated after changing the exchange rate for an organization or project.
Business Rules When running the Find/Replace a resource custom action, the C_options field is missing error is displayed. However, the field is not used in the custom action.
When creating a new custom-action-based request and selecting a group from a drop-down list, duplicate values are displayed.
An error is displayed when the PreviousSuccessRate variable is set to the percent type format. The error does not appear when the format is set to numeric.
Business Rules/Custom Fields Unable to add a default value to the Activity Pick List custom field.
Business Rules/Standard Fields A browser console error is displayed when editing picklist values for milestone or task type standard fields.
Calendar In a SSO-enabled environment, users cannot add calendar exceptions using the Holiday Loader.
Conditional Formatting Reports with a formula column set to toggle, always return false results.
Document Management  Cannot upload a file which contains the \ or / characters in the file name.
When using the custom Reference To Object field for  File, adding a file in Add related (reverse reference) returns an error.
Issues When issues are created via an API, and subscriptions on cases are turned off, users set as a team member, automatically receive an email notification whenever the values of the State or Assigned To fields are changed.
Multi Manager A request for Owners, Project Managers, and Managers to have the same visibility into the Timesheets module. In other words, all managers should be able to see time entries of other resources on timesheets.
Performance Some Interact rules (e.g. CSstaffing and Auto Create Projects from Approval) fail with a "maximum allowed execution time" error message.
Recycle Bin Unable to restore specific projects from the Recycle Bin.
Related Panel Adding a person to a discussion group using Member relation (not Group Member) returns an error.
Reports and Dashboards         Report sorting does not match dashboard sorting of the same report.
Resource Load Removed the Always Show Path filtering option from the Resource Load.
Resource Sub System When attempting to change a username, the  username already exists error is displayed.
Social Recipient of the 'like' notification receives email in the senders preferred language.
UI labels To provide consistent terminology, Home Page has been renamed to Landing Page in the User Groups > Apply on Members drop-down list.
Workitem Subsystem The Root Node of graph is empty error is displayed when a user attempts to perform any task in a project.
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