You can use variables in Outbound Call actions for Workflow Rules and Custom Actions, rather than adding static or hard-coded URLs.
in this example:{projectId}/{ownerId}
projectId and ownerId are variables.
Is this feature deployed to all instances ?
When i try to use a variable in outbound call urls, I can't save the workflow rule because of the URL validation error
This validation message appears right away.
Invalid URL (Expected Format :
Can you remove the validation here so we can directly use a variable on organisation level which contains https:// part as in it.
Like this :
Creating a seperate variable like you did ( hostname ) and use it inside URL fields is possible and it works fine.
But using org level fields directly inside the URL field is not supported. ( without defining a variable )
i.e : URL : {Organization.C_OutboundCallApiDomain}/api/PostOutboundCall}