I think you are looking for $DurationField = Days(0)
You can also use Hours(0), Weeks(0), etc.
Hi Guys,
I am trying to develop a report to do different analysis by pivot-tab (i.e. Different filter by pivot-tab). One of the pivot-tab would show Projects with Custom fields that are not properly filled. The fields are either Text or Duration.
I tried to add a Toggle-type formula field to check all Project Custom fields. However, it is found that '0d','0h','0w','0m','0y' cannot be identified by IsNull in Clarizen (i.e. They are not treated as null value) and Clarizen does not accept something like " $DurationField = '0d' ".
Is there any solution for the case?
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I think you are looking for $DurationField = Days(0)
You can also use Hours(0), Weeks(0), etc.
Josh - It doesn't appear that "Hours()" and the other duration functions are available in reports. I'm trying to write an IF formula in a report and return a result of "0 hours". Trying to use "0", "0h", or hours(0) does not work. What would work in a report?
Try using = NULL