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Link Task to Customer and then Project?


We need our users to be able to link a new Task to a specific Customer and Project under that Customer. I realize they could to that by browsing to the Customer/Project and creating a new Task from there, but we need them to be able to quickly create Tasks from the left toolbar. Is there a way to create a Custom Action that forces a user to select a Customer, and then shows them all of the Projects associated with the chosen Customer? This is important for us because all of our Customers have Projects with identical names, so seeing them all in one list is not viable.

Thank you!

Doug Smith Answered

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I know it easily possible to create a custom action that forces the selection of the Customer, however I am not aware that you can then reduce the project list dependant on that selection.  If it was standard picklist options, then they can be dependant on each other, but I don't think a project list could be.

I'm guessing there might be a way to do this using some clever programming to filter the project list within a custom panel (We had to similar for Time Entry) but you would probably need to get the PS team involved.  In my experience, most things are possible in some way or another, I'd suggest speaking to your Account Manager to see what the options are.

Phil Smith 0 votes
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