Numerical and Financial fields are summed up by default. I'm not 100% sure what you mean by summing the duration for the hours. These should already be rolling up, and you can also create a custom roll-up field that only rolls up if the field meets certain criteria.
FollowAdding Sum to the formula options in a Report
Hi ,
I wanted to sum the duration of the hours reported in a timesheet dashboard. There is no formula option available for SUM. I don't want just the group by totals, but the table should contain unique values with the sum of the hours.
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Hey Josh,
I have 2 financial fields that are definitely not being summed up by default it is just adding a new line per item in the report.
Background: I have custom financial objects set up for purchase orders and invoices. I need to produce a report on purchase orders with outstanding balance which should be pretty easy to calculate PO.Value - SUM(invoices.value). POs can have multiple invoices but the reports just create a new line for each one so I am unable to produce the report needed because there is no sum function available.