Can you provide more context around the change freeze? Does this mean that no changes are allowed in the scope of the project or that all ongoing work needs to be halted?
I am wanting to manage a change freeze on the client side. For this, the change freeze will only impact on certain tasks. My first thought was to use a placeholder user e.g. "Technical Placeholder" and give them a holiday in their calendar for this period and attach them to the task(s). This would not work as I do not have access to their calendar and this resource is shared across multiple projects.
My end goal is to be able to allocate tasks that are affected by a change freeze and have them auto schedule around this.
Has anybody done this before or have any suggestions.
[EDIT - Clarification of issue]
Our customer has a change freeze period. During this freeze no rollouts can occur and the infrastructure in the production environment can not be modified. However this doesn't stop our internal teams running up devices, developing solutions, testing, etc. Therefore I would like to make only the tasks that are affected by the change freeze to be rescheduled automatically to take into account during these change freeze times.
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Can you provide more context around the change freeze? Does this mean that no changes are allowed in the scope of the project or that all ongoing work needs to be halted?
Hi Santos,
What is happening is that in our customer they have a change freeze period. During this freeze no rollouts can occur and the infrastructure in the production environment can be modified. However this doesn't stop our internal teams running up devices, developing solutions, testing, etc. Therefore I would like to make only the tasks that are affected by the change freeze to be rescheduled automatically to take into account these change freeze times.
To directly answer your questions:
Some changes are allowed in the scope of the project, and not all ongoing work needs to be halted.
Does that make it clearer? And thanks for taking the time to answer this.
Thanks for the Clarification. I think this is possible to do with workflow rules that run off of a custom field (change freeze checkbox perhaps) but it would likely have to go through professional services. The simple albeit more time consuming solution would be to use the "On Hold" status to indicate items that are frozen and manually reschedule the items that can still be worked on.
Hi Josh (and sorry for calling you Santos in the first reply),
Thanks for your reply. I will have to have a look at how the workflow rules work and if I have rights to these but it gives me a good starting point. If I come up with a solution I will share it back here.