Moving to Customization thread.
FollowMake Milestone Due Date the Start Date of Another Milestone
I have a Workflow Rule that creates three Milestones called "Month One," "Month Two," and "Month Three" that start on the first day of three consecutive months (Month One has a start date that is the first day of the next month). I have another WFR that creates a Milestone (called "Launch") that needs to have a due date that matches the start date of the "Month One" Milestone in that same Project (which is the first day of the next month). Is there a way to accomplish that, or a function that sets a date to the first day of the next month, perhaps?
I am using this to set the $StartDate field of the "Month One" Milestone:
I tried using that same string to set the $DueDate field on the "Launch" Milestone, but it it's not working for some reason. Any ideas?
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Did you try a STF dependency between the milestones?
Yes, but I couldn't seem to get it to work (quickly anyway). Since you have indicated that might be the solution, I will put some more effort into that direction. Thanks!
Hello Doug,
I have just tested this in my environment and was able to create three Milestones that have Start Dates on the first day of the next three consecutive months and a Milestone "Launch" that starts on the first day of the project and ends on the first day of the next month. Is this the result you're after?
If so, I created all four Milestones using one Workflow Rule that uses the formula you provided to set Start/Due Dates.
Please let me know if this helps.
Hello Roland,
Yes, that does look right! Was there anything else built in to your Workflow Rule that accomplished that, or did you just use my formula for the Start/Due Dates and nothing else to manipulate those dates?
Now, if only I could get the due date on those three consecutive month Milestones to be the last day of the month using your formula (or some variation of it) from your other thread:
Thanks again!
Hello Doug,
No, I didn't use anything else besides that formula to achieve this result. I'm sure, that combining the formula you have and the one I provided in the previous post (or a variation of it) you can achieve the desired result, but this is already in the Professional Services domain. Please contact your CSM Vanessa Au if you need any further assistance with this customization.
Have a nice day!