You can do it with a workflow, but the question is why? All of the work is being done at the task level and the milestone should contain all of the tasks required to achieve it. Is it for visibility/reporting purposes?
I would like all the resources from tasks within a milestone to roll-up into the resource of the milestone. It seems to do this for projects, but not for tasks nor milestones. Is there an option I have forgotten to enable?
or is this something I have to do myself via a workflow?
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You can do it with a workflow, but the question is why? All of the work is being done at the task level and the milestone should contain all of the tasks required to achieve it. Is it for visibility/reporting purposes?
Yes this is for reporting reasons. Maybe I'm going the wrong way about this... what I want to do is to have a report that show me who is working on the various milestones in a certain group of projects.
I know I can make a report that shows me all the tasks within each milestone and the respective resources. However, I still have to read through all tasks to find out all the names of the relevant team members.
I had a look at making a workflow, but I don't seem to be able to update the resource field of a milestone...
You can do it through a workflow rule, basically you would create a new object which is a link called Resource at the milestone-level. This is a link as opposed to a field, which is a bit trickier to build into a rule. It would also be good to consider all potential scenarios, such as what happens if a resource is removed from a task? It is also possible to remove a resource, but that will be a lot more challenging and you will likely need some help from a PS consultant.