Hi Tim, our latest training resources are available over here: https://success.clarizen.com/hc/en-us/sections/204393007-Clarizen-Foundation-Training-On-Demand
The University was getting quite a bit out of date with all of the new functionality we have been releasing. We are planning a new University for later this year, but I would recommend putting all new hires through the video training at the link above.
Alternatively, we have a great 3-day onsite training program for new hires at our Silicon Valley Headquarters. In addition to getting all of the content of the training videos above, attendees get to meet their AE, CSM, Support Engineers, and company leaders face-to-face. As a bonus they will get to sample a variety of Bay Area cuisines (we're foodies here) and receive a Clarizen certification if they pass their final exam. It's a fun week and the feedback has been very positive so far. Please contact your AE if you are interested in finding out more.