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Uploaded % Complete does not match % Complete in mpp


  I have uploaded a project plan in an xml format which was generated from Microsoft Project. 

      The % complete in .mpp file was 37%,but when I upload it in clarizen, the %complete shows 50%. 

From .mpp file: 

Clarizen Snapshot: 

In the above two images, highlights with same alphabets should have same % complete, but they are different.   

The tasks, their duration, start date, end date, % complete of tasks are all exactly the same, but still the overall % complete is different.  I haven't yet modified anything in clarizen. Just uploaded an xml and I see these different % completed !! 

I know % complete in clarizen is computed by actual effort put in, but I do not use actual effort column at all. 

How is this %complete calculated ? What do I do to align % complete in clarizen with that in Microsoft project ? 


Nishant Kumar Answered

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% complete can either be manually calculated or indirectly calculated based on other fields such as Actual/Remaining Effort. Normally the % complete rollup is also weighted based on how much work each task requires. However, if you have an empty milestone in your project plan, that will change the weighting and is a primary cause of inconsistencies with % completion. If you would like us to do a specific investigation, we would recommend submitting a ticket along with the mpp file and an access link. 

Josh Santos 0 votes
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