The right place is to go to "Prices and Rates," but you can only set the Rate at the work item level (what you bill to a customer), not the hourly resource Cost (what you pay).
FollowProject specific hourly pay rates
Hi All,
I know this has been asked before, but some of the answers are now out of date as the appearance of Clarizen/location of buttons has changed.
I have two questions regarding this:
1) How can I set project specific rates for team members ( eg £10/h for project 1 and £20/h for project 2)
2) Can I change a member's role/Title for one project without affecting the other active projects (eg Engineer on Project 1 but Project Manager on Project 2)
What I have tried so far:
1) I go to the Project in question and then onto "add related" --> "Job Titles" and select the Engineer job title and give it a new hourly rate. (I have only an engineer as resource on the tasks in the project)
Once I go back to my project work plan The "Budgeted Cost" is not affected only the "Expected Revenue" and "Revenue Balance".
A further way I have discovered is via "Utilities" --> "Prices and Rates", but that again only affects revenue not "Budgeted Cost"
2) If I go to Job Titles in the Project and change a member's Job title it changes the member's job title across all projects.
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Hi Josh,
thank you, that kind of makes sense. However, it doesn't seem to allow me to change the role/job title of a resource. Is this something that it should be doing?
You should be able to change both job titles and rates from that window. If you can't it is probably a permissions issue (you need managerial rights on the project + financial permissions). Also the project cannot be closed. If that still does not work, please open a ticket and we can investigate.
OK, so I am able to change the job title for the project, however, if I change both job title and a custom rate, then it resets the job title to the original title and only uses the custom rate.
In a way this makes sense as the custom rate overrides the job title anyway - is this intended?
Yes, that is by design.