"Not(isnull($project))" should do the trick, I think this will require a detailed investigation (I see a ticket is already open).
FollowClass Task is empty
we built a workflow and are getting the following error.
An error occurred while evaluating the criteria for Workflow Rule 'Web Ben durations'.
The following error message was received: 'Field Project of object T-XXXX from class Task is empty'
I have added to the evaluation criteria, both "Not($floatingTask) " and "Not(isnull($project))" but we are still getting the error.
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Thank you I hope to hear back on that ticket soon. we are getting into a busy time and in the last 2 days we've seen this error nearly 200 times. so we have to keep resetting it.
Looks like an order of operations issue. If another evaluation takes place before "Not($floatingTask)" then it can still error out. The solution is to make sure this gets evaluated first.