I'm a little lost as to what you are trying to achieve, where is the link you are creating being used? Can you explain a bit more and I'll try to help if I can?
I have a report with a filter on a Pick-List value, set as "Is One Of" with multiple values. I'm trying to do one of the following:
I'm trying to generate the link to this report so that only this filter is displayed for change to the user.
For this, I tried to use "GetReportURL", but I get an error if I specify only the other arguments.
Is there a way to do this?
As an alternative, how to specify multiple values for this filter? I think I'd have to use GetRuntimeParameter, but can't guess the syntax in this case.
Thanks in advance,
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I'm a little lost as to what you are trying to achieve, where is the link you are creating being used? Can you explain a bit more and I'll try to help if I can?
Hi Phil,
I built a report with 3 filters available. The first filter represent subconstractor name (a PickUp Value, the filter is defined as "equals"), the second is some kind of category (PickUp value, the filter is defined as "equals"), and the third filter represents a task state (Pickup Value, the filter is defined as "Is One Of").
The first filter is here to avoid report duplication, but the end user must not see this filter.
The link will appear in a Custom Page, so that the report will be accessed only through these links.
So, with this context, I have 2 options:
- Define the link so that the third filter is displayed when the user clicks the link (this would be the best option)
- Define the link so that I provide all expected states values
I hope what I want to do is more clear now.
Feel free to let me know if something else is not clear enough.
Hi, I made a few discoveries about GetReportURL:
To get it working, you need to follow these "rules":
- pass the parameters using "GetRuntimeParameter" function. Each parameter is related to a filter with "Show at runtime" set to True
- for Pick-Up values, define a variable of that pick-up value and set its value from string. Then use this variable as a parameter. If you use directly the string with "GetRuntimeParameter" in this case, you will get the error
The Report Details cannot be displayed because the report parameters were changed and several Filters have no value.
To fix this problem, please define Report Filters.
- in order to pass multiple values to a parameter with "Is One Of", use GetRuntimeParameter(Value1, Value2), with Value1 and Value2 with the correct type (not the string representation).
Excellent, sorry I'd not had a chance to try anything for you yet. Does this mean you have it working as you ideally wanted now?
Thank you for thinking about this. At least, that made me clarify a few things.
This means that I should be able to get the alternate solution working.
I have no clue about the ideal solution that would be:
When I'd click the link, I'd get this window
with the 2 other parameters given through the link.
When you click on a report to display it (the classic way), the related link is
so I'm wondering if my ideal solution is even possible.
Please let me know if you have any idea.
I shall take a look when I get a few moments later
Could you share a screenshot of how you achieved this? I am not very technical and quite lost in trying to get this to work!