Hi Bernard, the list has not really changed in the last two years. Dependencies were always part of the mappings, but were not in the list of fields. Technically a dependency is a relationship between objects as opposed to a field.
Context: I am exporting Clarizen workplans from Clarizen to MS Project for one of my clients. Changes are then made on the MS Project (MPP) file, after which the file is imported again into Clarizen. (A migration process from MS Project to Clarizen is in progress, but not completed for this client.)
I need an updated list ("mapping") of all the Clarizen fields exported to MS Project, and a similar list of fields of fields that are imported from MS Project to Clarizen.
Two posts dealt with this in the past, but the latest update was in 2014. The field lists mentioned in these posts do not contain the latest list of mapping fields. E.g. the Predecessors and Successors columns are not on the list, but are included in the Export and Import at present.
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Hi Bernard, the list has not really changed in the last two years. Dependencies were always part of the mappings, but were not in the list of fields. Technically a dependency is a relationship between objects as opposed to a field.
Hi Josh
Just some input
I did some investigation on the Export, and it seems Clarizen exports the following fields on task level FROM Clarizen TO MS Project. This may be an update on the older posts.
You are correct regarding the dependencies.