I would like to create read-only views. I envision this being a toggle on the View Edit screen where even (especially) a super user cannot change data. I would like actions, such as mark time entry on timesheets as approved to still function.
Use Case: We have specific individuals in our company who are responsible for approving time whom are not responsible for adjusting anything else on a project. I want them to be able to view a lot and also approve anyone's time. Making these individuals super users appear to be the best approach, but this give them grossly too much power.
I envision these approvers specifically using the Team View for approval.
Short of creating creating dozens of validation rules, a special permission class (like Financial) may be the only other mechanism to achieve this request.
Part 2: A second toggle enabling "actions" (or certain buttons within the ribbon) might also be nice. //However, I should be able to adequately restrict buttons via profiles for my specific users.
Part 3: Read-Only Views might also be helpful for executives who want to see everything in enhanced permissions, but should not be changing anything.