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Field Definitions? (Actual End Date, Due Date, Actual Start Date, Start Date)

Is there a field definition list somewhere we've missed? 

We need to provide key senior-level stakeholders with precise definitions of these 4 fields:

  • Actual End Date, 
  • Due Date, 
  • Actual Start Date, 
  • Start Date

While we do have a general sense of what each field means just from using Clarizen, and we have looked through the Standard Fields for definitions, we are unable to find a clear definition of these fields anywhere.

Is there a glossary somewhere? 

Import from old forum Answered

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  • Start Date is when the work item is expected to begin.

  • Due Date is when the work item is expected to end.

  • Actual End Date is the day the work item was actually completed. By default this is set to be the day the work item is marked as completed.

  • Actual Start Date is the day the work item was actually started. There is no out of the box workflow behind this field, it was designed to be manually entered.  However, we recently released an app that will set the Actual Start Date to either the first day time is reported, the first day actual effort is reported, or the first day % completion is reported (whichever comes first). You can find the app here: 

Clarizen Team 0 votes
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That's very helpful, thanks. I'll make notes.  Close this ticket.

Import from old forum 0 votes
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Is there a definition reference for all the calculated and manually entered fields? I would like to make sure we are placing data in the right fields for the calculated fields to produce usable information

Tian McPherson 0 votes
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We would like to create  'drop dead' dates in a project.  Is there a way to subtract x number of weeks from a project due date and put the value into another custom date field.



Matti Herzberg 0 votes
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Yes, this would be using a formulaic custom field with something like $DueDate - Weeks(3) as an example (subtracts 3 weeks from the Due Date).

Josh Santos 0 votes
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