Actually, do I remember taht variables can be changed via e-mail? Maybe that is the ticket...
I'm on a roll... how would I write an evaluation criteria to trigger when a new e-mail is received via track it?
Background, this may be impossible...
I would like to generate an e-mail when a project is closed. That e-mail will have a list of things that must be filed (outside of Clarizen).
When the list is complete, the PM will initial it and reply to TrackIt. Then I would like a different e-mail sent out saying all paperwork is filed.
I know I could make a task and have it trigger the event, but it would be much more desireable for this to happen regardless of project tasks. It also lets me send very involved instructions to be executed when closing a project.
I tried crerating another variable and 'promoting' it through stages, but each time I change the variable, it seems to re-open and close the project so it immediatley pushes through the states.
So to recap, I would like to ....
Complete Project >> Generate e-mail with instruction to a group of people
Reply to TrackIt >> Generate an e-mail to VP Operations that all activities are complete
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Actually, do I remember taht variables can be changed via e-mail? Maybe that is the ticket...
With the reply to trackit, it will create a new email object. You could have a rule that says, when a new email object is created with a subject containing X, then automatically email the VP saying all activities are complete.
OK, I don't quite get it though (I'm a bit dense).
I presume that this would be a workflow rule based on any time a (project in this case) record is created or edited. Then set the Evaluation Criteria to... and that's where I get stuck. I don't find e-mail objects in the formula options...
Darn, you're right. Emails should be under collaboration items but we aren't supporting customization there yet. What you could do is create a work item rule that is looking at the field # of Emails. The incoming email will trigger this field to change and that can set off the email to the VP. So the criteria for sending out the email to the VP would be: ischanged($EmailsCount) as well as some other criteria so that your VP does not get unnecessary emails (could be the name is something specific, a special field is checked, the work item is marked as complete, etc.)
Great idea, I wouldn't have thought of that! I'll give it a go.