Hi David,
Can you elaborate on your use case a little bit?
How are you planning to use the user rates? on what object?
I'm defining a new workflow rule where I would like to use the Organization Default Cost Rate as a data.
I've tried to define it like this:
But it does not work and the system says the value is empty.
Could you please help me?
Thanks in advance.
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Hi David,
Can you elaborate on your use case a little bit?
How are you planning to use the user rates? on what object?
Hi Roni,
I've created a custom field for obtaining an estimated budget based on the estimation of working hours plus the estimated expenses.
In order to do this calculation I need to apply the following:
hourly Cost rate*estimated effort (in hours)+planned expenses
Nowaday I've inserted the following:
Which is working, but, I'm introducing manually the hourly cost rate (XX) and I'd like to automatically get it from the system. Is this possible?
Thanks in advance
Hi David,
Thanks for sharing.
I am not sure you would need the customization for calculating the estimated budget. That data is already calculated for you in the Budgeted Cost field.
It calculates according to resource hourly cost * Work hour estimation.
So you would really need only a formula based custom field to sum the Budgeted Cost + Planned Expenses.
Does it meet your needs?