This is indeed possible by creating a custom field and then adding it to the view (open the column drop down and then customize the view)
The custom field should be from type text and you need to check on the "Field Value is based of a formula".
Place the code below in the the "Set Formula" section, save and you are good to go!
This would give you the day of week for Start Date:
case (tostring(mod (datediff (date(year($startdate), month($startdate), day($startdate)), date (2011,12,31),"d"),7)), "0", "Sat", "1", "Sun", "2", "Mon", "3", "Tue", "4", "Wed", "5", "Thu", "6", "Fri", "Sat")
This would give you the day of week for Due Date:
case (tostring(mod (datediff (date(year($duedate), month($
duedate ), day($
duedate)), date (2011,12,31),"d"),7)), "0", "Sat", "1", "Sun", "2", "Mon", "3", "Tue", "4", "Wed", "5", "Thu", "6", "Fri", "Sat")