You can filter for tasks only that has the field "# Of Direct Sub-Items" greater than 0.
hope that helps
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I would like to create a report which will show me all the high level tasks, i.e all the hammocks in my WBS.
Is there a field that represents the hammocks in the reports?
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You can filter for tasks only that has the field "# Of Direct Sub-Items" greater than 0.
hope that helps
Helps but only half way...
I would like to present all 1st high level tasks and the solution you provided show results from lover levels as well.
Ok. Please try to use the field "Parent" as well.
Parent holds the work item that is the direct container of the task.
I assume that you will need o filter for all tasks that their "# Of Direct Sub-Items" is greater than 0 && (and) their parent = the project
That should work :)