Hi Jessie,
Indeed, that is the benefit of templates. Are you experiencing a different behavior?
In case you are not able to create a template at all, here is a link to the documentation that describes how to do so:
I would like to know if there is any way to create a new project using a template while importing the work & duration of that template?
Ie project "X" has a work of 1 day and duration of 2 days. I save it as a template. I then create a new project "Y" from that template, but it has a default work and time. Can I not get the work of 1 day and duration of 2 days from the template automatically while creating the new project from it? Isn't that the whole point of creating a template?
Your advice/ assistance will be greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards
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Hi Jessie,
Indeed, that is the benefit of templates. Are you experiencing a different behavior?
In case you are not able to create a template at all, here is a link to the documentation that describes how to do so:
[quote=Rob Sidhu]Hi Jessie,
Indeed, that is the benefit of templates. Are you experiencing a different behavior?
In case you are not able to create a template at all, here is a link to the documentation that describes how to do so:
Hi Rob
Yes, indeed it seems I am experiencing different behavior. I have created and used many templates before, but since the day before yesterday it doesn't seem to work the same.
I created & recreated a new template from a project (in every way available in clarizen) and yet everytime I create a new project from that template it re-sets all the task durations to the default time (which I have changed from 8 hours to 2 hours long ago)! This is highly frustrating.
Any idea on how to fix it?
Kind Regards
Hi Jessie,
Can you please submit a support ticket for this with a temporary username, pass, and the exact template where this is happening (please include specific line items).
Hi Josh
Sure, just one question, how do I go about submitting a support ticket? I haven't done that before.
Hi Jessie,
Once you login to Clarizen, you will see the Support button on the bottom right corner.
Thanks Roni!
Have a great day!