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Exceeded maximum # of allowed custom fields


I am trying to add a custom field to my expenses, but I get an error message saying my package is limited to 3 custom fields and that I've exceeded that amount. I clicked on All Entries, and as far as I can see, I only have 2 custom fields (I even permanently deleted the ones that were in my Deleted Fields trash can). I did edit the Expense Category standard field and added 3 or 4 new items, but I don't think those count toward my 3 custom fields, do they?

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Yes, that was the problem. One of my fields was a currency field. Thanks. Just a suggestion for your next update - maybe where you list all the custom fields on the customization page, you can indicate if a field counts as more than one custom field. That way people can readily see when they've exceeded their limit.

Thanks for your help.

Import from old forum 0 votes
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Completely agree with your feature request!  Currency fields are an easy fix, just use a numeric field instead (these only count as one).

Clarizen Team 0 votes
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