What types of fields are your 2 custom fields? Some custom fields (such as currency fields) actually take up more than one custom field. You can see all of the specific restrictions here:
FollowExceeded maximum # of allowed custom fields
I am trying to add a custom field to my expenses, but I get an error message saying my package is limited to 3 custom fields and that I've exceeded that amount. I clicked on All Entries, and as far as I can see, I only have 2 custom fields (I even permanently deleted the ones that were in my Deleted Fields trash can). I did edit the Expense Category standard field and added 3 or 4 new items, but I don't think those count toward my 3 custom fields, do they?
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Yes, that was the problem. One of my fields was a currency field. Thanks. Just a suggestion for your next update - maybe where you list all the custom fields on the customization page, you can indicate if a field counts as more than one custom field. That way people can readily see when they've exceeded their limit.
Thanks for your help.
Completely agree with your feature request! Currency fields are an easy fix, just use a numeric field instead (these only count as one).