Hi Shel,
You need to use to convert the text to a date object so it can be compared to the $ReportedDate:
$ReportedDate < DateValue(“2011-05-01”)
Then use the "Change State" action to set the timesheet entry to "Approve"
It was just brought to my attention that some of the users have not been submitting their time which after I researched this, I found out their actual effort on the projects was not correct. Only one group of users has been consistently submitting their time. I have given them all hours of trainings and documentation but for some reason they did not follow directions. There are 3038 time entries that are still in Un Submitted state that I need to have submitted so that the projects are accurate. What would be the best way to do this? Would a Scheduled Workflow rule help? I tried on the timesheet level $State = 'Un Submitted' && $ReportedDate < '05/26/2012' but I got an error saying you cannot use < with a date field. THe action I want to have happen is for the State to be Approved. I dont want to mess up people that are still actively tracking their time for last week, so thats why I need the ate reference. Can anyone help me?
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Hi Shel,
You need to use to convert the text to a date object so it can be compared to the $ReportedDate:
$ReportedDate < DateValue(“2011-05-01”)
Then use the "Change State" action to set the timesheet entry to "Approve"
Shel, another idea here is to have any time entered in timetracking automatically submitted once created.
If you have approval process turned off in your account, the end result will be automatic submitting that turns into approved hours with no special action.
If you are interested I can pack a package for you that do that
RAMI, That is exactly what I need! Can you please package that for me? That would be a great help!
Rami, did you get my post? Can you help me with a package to corect this? Also what is the best was to go back and submit all previous time?
Hi Shel,
Please click the following link and hit install: javascript:nicTemp();
For past records, it will be best to create a scheduled workflow rule that submit (or approve) any timesheet entry that is not in the state of Approved. After the rule run once, you can turn it off
Good luck
Rami, I installed the package, not sure if it is working or not yet but we shall hope. Meanwhile I tried to create the scheduled workflow rul in order to change the state of all of the un submitted hours to approved. I had it set to run at 10am and I just checked and the records of unsubmitted went down from 6k to 4k, although I have no idea if that is part of my scheduled workflow rule. The logic I have behind the rule is:
Run under certain conditions: IF TRUE $State='Un Submitted' Change State on CurrentObject State = 'Approved'. I got no syntax errors. I have it currently set to run weekly on Tuesday at 10am (that was simply for testing purposes). Do you have any ideas? There has to be a way to go in and change these without doing it manually. THANK YOU!