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6 day work week

I am trying to set a 6 day work week for a specific project; however, when I do it under SETTINGS > CALENDAR, nothing changes in my project (does not count Saturdays). 

I noticed that under my admin's account, he had a GLOBAL SETTINGS and the work week was the default 5 days; however, we do not want to change all projects to 6 day work weeks, just the one. 

How can we do this? 

Import from old forum Answered

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Hi David,

  To change the calendar settings for a specific project:

  1. In the Work Plan view or Work Item tab, fighlight the project
  2. Right Click -> Properties
  3. Click Calendar tab
  4. Click on Schedule Settings link and set work days (then save!)

Once you've set your working days for a project, the project will automatically adjust using the new calendar.  In the following example, I've set Saturday and Sunday as available work days for a specific project:  As you will see, my dates will adjust if work can now fall on those new working days.

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